What is the difference between a Qualifying Provider and a Vendor?

  • A Vendor is a provider of goods and services in the ClassWallet Marketplace.
    • ACE curates the inventory for vendors within the Marketplace, and eliminates any inventory that wouldn’t be approved.
    • Taking this measure decreases frustration for a scholarship parent by preventing their ability to place a prohibited item in their cart, and having that transaction denied.  
    • ACE Scholarships does not onboard vendors into the marketplace. This is an action taken between the provider and ClassWallet.


  • A Qualifying Provider is an individual or entity that has completed the UFA provider application and has been vetted by the UFA Customer Support Team.
    • ACE Scholarships reviews the business licenses, professional licenses, credentials and certifications of eligible providers who apply to participate in the Utah Fits All Scholarship Program.
    • Please check our list of Approved Qualifying Providers here.
    • All eligible providers are required to attest to the provider agreement prior to becoming approved. You may find a copy of the provider agreement here. 
      • ACE scholarships does not conduct background checks on individual providers, or personnel employed by that eligible provider.  

Are background checks required of approved providers?

Many qualifying providers will not be required to do background checks. However, approved schools who enroll 150 or more students will require the following individuals to submit to a nationwide, fingerprint-based criminal background check and ongoing monitoring, in accordance with Section 53G-11-402, as a condition for employment or appointment as authorized by the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety act of 2006, Pub. L. No. 109-248. Section 53F-6-408 (1)(d); (a) an employee who does not hold; (1) a current Utah educator license issued by the state board under Title 53E, Chapter 6, Education professional licensure; or (2) if the private school is not physically located in Utah, a current educator license in the state where the private school is physically located; and (3) a contract employee (Section 53F-6-408).

If a private school administers a norm referenced test, is the school required to provide test scores to ACE Scholarships?


If a private school administers a norm referenced test, the scholarship student is responsible for submitting proof of testing to ACE Scholarships. 

The school administering the assessment may not report the result of or any other data pertaining to the assessment or scholarship student to a person other than the program manager, the scholarship student, or the scholarship student's parent.

*Please note that a scholarship student is not required to be administered an assessment in order to remain eligible for the UFA Scholarship Program. Instead, they may submit a portfolio (please see relevant FAQ). Additionally, a private school participating in the UFA Program is not required to administer standardized examinations. 

How will my UFA student’s private school know I’ve been awarded?

Each family will need to inform their student's private school; ACE Scholarships will not make this notification. Please note that each private school will create its own enrollment policies and procedures that must be adhered to by the scholarship student’s family. Being awarded does not guarantee enrollment in the private school of your choice. Once awarded, you may be asked to bring your notice of award to your student’s private school to disclose your award status.  

Can I make changes to my student’s enrollment after accepting the scholarship?

Families may make changes to their student’s enrollment at any time by following a school’s enrollment or disenrollment procedures, and notifying ACE Scholarships of your decision, as well as effective dates of enrollment and/or disenrollment. 

If you decide to re-enroll your student in the public school as a full-time student, you must notify ACE scholarships immediately of your decision, due to the fact that full time enrollment in the public school will result in closure of your Utah Fits All Scholarship account. 

*Please note: If you plan to use the scholarship funds to pay tuition and fees for your student to attend a private school, you must communicate with the school directly about enrollment and follow that school’s enrollment policies. Being awarded a Utah Fits All Scholarship does not automatically enroll a student in the school of their choice.

How can I refer a provider that I do not see on the list of approved providers?

There a few options that parents have. We encourage families to refer schools and providers they are engaged with, or would like to be engaged with, by using a link on our website. By providing the Utah Fits All Customer Service Team with some basic information, we can contact the provider you recommend, inform them of the program and encourage them to apply to become a qualifying provider. Also, we will send information to you to share with the providers you recommend.

Additionally, a parent may purchase a good or service with their own money if the provider is not on the approved list, or does not wish to be. The parent may seek pre-approval for the expense, then make the purchase with their own funds and submit a receipt of purchase to request reimbursement. More information is forthcoming on the process of requesting pre-approval and requesting reimbursement.