There are three simple ways to utilize scholarship funds: shop vendors on ClassWallet’s Marketplace; submit receipts for reimbursement; and utilize DirectPay. Follow the steps outlined below for each method.
Shop the ClassWallet Marketplace Vendors:
- When using ClassWallet Marketplace vendors there is no need to pay out-of-pocket. You can use your scholarship student’s funds directly.
- Your “cart” will be submitted for approval.
- Once the items in your cart are approved, your transaction is complete.
- For more information: Watch “How to shop the ClassWallet Marketplace”
Submit Receipts for Reimbursements:
- Reimbursements are used whenever you have paid out-of-pocket for an approved expense and would like to be reimbursed from your scholarship student’s account.
- You do not need to submit a pre-approval request for any item that is on the approved Expense List.
- To receive reimbursement:
- Link your personal bank account.
- Upload a receipt of payment and provide pre-approval documentation (if applicable).
- As a reminder: you will be reimbursed for pre-approved expenses. Parents who, on or before July 16th, 2024, (i) submitted for pre-approval of any item that was on the approvedExpense List at the time, or (ii) received pre-approval for any item that was on the approved Expense List at the time, or (iii) purchased any item that was on the approved Expense List, at the time, will be reimbursed for those items.
- For more information: Watch “How to Submit a Reimbursement”
- DirectPay is used when you are paying a Qualifying Provider for items or services through the ClassWallet platform.
- A “Qualifying Provider” is a school or provider approved by UFA to accept scholarship funds as payment.
- For more information:Watch “How to use DirectPay to pay a Qualifying Provider”