EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES & MATERIALS: Books, curriculum, supplies and other instructional materials
EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCES & FIELD TRIPS: Day passes and memberships are approved for the
individual scholarship student and one chaperone per scholarship family. Pre-approval is required for
students with disabilities if additional chaperone is needed.
ASSESSMENTS: Fees for approved academic examinations or assessments, college entrance or industry
certification exams
EXTRA-CURRICULAR: Fees associated with activities outside of the regular academic curriculum. This
may include fees for sports teams, music lessons, art classes and other activities that a scholarship
student may participate in. Fees may include registration fees, and fees for uniforms, equipment, etc.
INTERNET: May only upload one receipt at a time for this expense, do not upload with other categories.
Basic internet is approved, submit monthly bill with internet circled; bundles for other services, fees, and
taxes are not included.
APPLICATIONS & SOFTWARE: Educational software and applications
SPECIAL EDUCATION: Educational services for students with disabilities
ELECTRONICS & TECHNOLOGY: Computer hardware or other technological devices
TRANSPORTATION: Fees for approved transportation, not to exceed $750 for each school year.
TUITION & FEES: Tuition and fees for private school provider, participating charter or district school, high
school college or university courses, or technical colleges, in-person or online classes.
TUTORING: Tutoring services & private lessons
WORKSPACE: Furniture and other items related to a scholarships student's workspace needs
OTHER EDUCATIONAL EXPENSES: Use this category if the educational expense is not in another