Students are eligible for the UFA Scholarship if they are:
- a K-12 student who is eligible to participate in a public school (to be eligible for kindergarten, a student must be at least five years old and no more than 18 years old on or before September 1 of the year in which admission is sought. With regard to special education, a student must not be older than 21 on July 1. Students who have graduated from high school or another secondary program are ineligible.
- a resident of the state of Utah, including a child of a military service member, as defined in Section 53B-8-102.
- a student not receiving the Carson Smith Opportunity Scholarship at the same time as the UFA scholarship.
- not enrolled in an LEA or in the Statewide Online Education Program (SOEP) upon receiving the scholarship.
- not suspended or disqualified from the UFA program, and who completes, to maintain eligibility, the assessment or portfolio requirement.